Beachside Community Acupuncture is more than just an acupuncture clinic. It's a new beginning, the start of an outward ripple. We want you to feel your best so that you can impact the community with your unique talents and inspire others to live their lives to the fullest as well. We have big dreams for you and are dedicated to helping you overcome whatever is holding you back through acupuncture, diet therapy, herbal medicine, supplements, and essential oils.
...every individual should be his or her own health advocate
...the path to health shouldn't be a secret
...everyone should have access to affordable holistic medicine
...the beach can heal aches of the body, mind, and soul is our duty to preserve beaches for future generations
Kathleen (Ellerie) Ketola, L.Ac., AP, Dipl.O.M., graduated with Bachelor's degrees in Nutritional Sciences and Biology from the University of Florida and a Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor of Health Science from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the states of Florida and Texas, an NCCAOM-certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, and a NADA-trained Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist. After years working in private practice, she was inspired to start Beachside Community Acupuncture PLLC to provide affordable acupuncture to those who might not otherwise be able to experience the ancient medicine's healing effects. She is especially passionate about diet therapy, essential oils, and other aspects of holistic wellness and teaches online courses, writes books and articles, and speaks at events to educate the public about natural health.
At Beachside Community Acupuncture we strive to educate the public on the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help others better understand the body's healing potential. We hope that our interviews eliminate the "fear of the unknown" so that more people feel empowered to try acupuncture, whether it be at our clinic or with their local Licensed Acupuncturist.
Top Rated Local Interview after winning "Best Acupuncturist in Texas in 2019"
Community Acupuncture for Fertility in North Dallas
in Modl Photography's parenting series
Interview with Kathleen Ellerie
on The Well Nut
Meet Kathleen Ellerie of Beachside Community Acupuncture
in VoyageDallas
While our primary goal is to provide acupuncture care, we also love to educate our community on other therapies included in Traditional Chinese Medicine and naturopathy.
Add Acupressure to Your Yoga Practice
in Dallas Yoga Magazine
The Importance of Breathing Exercises in Chinese Medicine
in Dallas Yoga Magazine
How Acupuncturists View (and Treat) Pain
in Dallas Yoga Magazine
We regularly write about holistic health in our blog, and these are a handful of our most popular posts. To read through everything we've written, check out our dedicated blog page or search by topic by hovering over "Blog" at the top of this page.
Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about us and receive nutrition and lifestyle tips that you can use to work on your health at home! Plus, by signing up right now we'll send you a Diet Therapy Starter sheet as a FREE GIFT. This sheet covers the basic diet guidelines that we review with our patients and you can be ahead of the game for free:
14330 Midway Rd, Ste 205
Dallas, TX 75244
(214) 417-2260
Best Acupuncture in Texas 2019 (#1), 2021 (#2), 2022 (#1), 2023 (#1) - Top Rated Local
Best Acupuncture in Addison 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - Addison Guide Readers' Choice Awards
Best Acupuncture in Dallas 2024 - Three Best Rated
Neighborhood Fave 2024 - Nextdoor
Best Acupuncture in Farmers Branch 2023 - Farmers Branch Award Program
Best Acupuncture Practice in Texas 2022 - New World Report Magazine
Patient Care Excellence Award in Texas 2022 - New World Report Magazine
Best Business in Texas 2022 (#9), 2023 (#7) - Top Rated Local
Top 60 TCM Blogs and Websites 2022 (#16) - FeedSpot
We are a proud member of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce Dallas.
The information provided on this website is designed to provide general advice on healthcare and is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition, nor is it meant to replace medical advice. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problems, please consult your own physician, and always consult your physician before beginning a new health program to make sure it is appropriate for you.