
Everything you inhale, apply to your skin, and ingest will make it into your bloodstream and affect your body systems, which means it is very, very important to choose chemical-free, whole, organic products as much as you can! At Beachside Community Acupuncture, our primary focus is using acupuncture to help your body heal itself. However, we also offer such products at our clinic (and may recommend others that we do not stock) so that you can continue to boost your body between your treatments in a way that's natural and toxin-free. Our goal is to educate you on the importance of researching companies and what they're selling rather than just to hand you something without explaining its value. While we don't think you need to go as far as visiting the farms and factories of these businesses, we like to go the extra mile...

Young Living Farm, Distillery, and Warehouse:

Standard Process Farm and Factory:

Click below to learn more:

Not everyone will need additional supplementation, but if your Licensed Acupuncturist suggests adding products to your health routine, you can rest assured that they will be of the highest quality. We have very, very, very high standards for the products that we personally use and do not sell anything at the clinic that we would not use ourselves.