Posts tagged with "march2017"

31. March 2017
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we don't have the concept of adrenal fatigue because thousands of years ago hormones weren't on health practitioners' radar. They did, however, realize that long-lasting stress, improper diet, too much or too little exercise, and other poor lifestyle choices could cause a person to become chronically rundown, which they diagnosed as "Kidney deficiency". Really the two conditions are one in the same, which means we can treat adrenal fatigue from both...

23. March 2017
Most people only know about acupuncture from what they see in movies, television, and the media, but there are finer nuances that you should keep in mind when searching for the right acupuncturist for you. 1. There different types of acupuncture Japan, China, Korea, and other countries each developed their own systems of acupuncture over time, and each has different attributes. In addition to these, there are other specialties of acupuncture that concentrate on particular conditions or regions...

17. March 2017
Does your cell phone or computer ever act up? After trying everything else possible to fix it, you probably resort to turning it off and then restarting it. This little reset often resolves whatever little glitch there was that set the technology off track. Phones and computers have very impressive circuitry, but even more impressive is that of the human brain. Meditation is an easy way to give your brain that restart that it needs to reset when it's overloaded. Meditation is literally just...

10. March 2017
Stress happens whether we like it or not, no matter how much we prepare for it. Having a list of positive activities readily available is key because you'll never know when that stress will strike. We at Beachside Community Acupuncture like to incorporate the physical and mental when we're dealing with stress, as you can see from our list. Involving the body in your stress relief - either through activating different senses with essential oils or by giving it gentle exercise - can not only...

03. March 2017
Peppermint has been used as an herb in cultures around the world for hundreds of years. In TCM, "Bo He" can help kick out a cold, clear the head, and promote circulation to relieve stress. In Western herbalism, peppermint supports the digestive system, improves cognitive function, benefits the upper respiratory system, and provides relief to aching muscles. Why use peppermint essential oil instead of the herb itself? The essential oil is more potent - Young Living's Peppermint oil is as strong...