Posts tagged with "april2017"

28. April 2017
The Eastern and Western approaches to medicine are very different. Which one resonates with you?

21. April 2017
This post contains affiliate links, meaning Beachside Community Acupuncture PLLC may receive a small commission for purchases made through certain links at no additional cost to you. (In other words, you support us in a small way when you buy the products that we highly recommend and would use ourselves!) Click here to view our full disclosure policy. Vegetarianism is a controversial topic, especially because those for and against it both have very passionate views. We tend to have a more...

14. April 2017
Lavender is often called the "Swiss army knife" of essential oils because it has THOUSANDS of uses. Our ten favorites are shown above, but you may find that you have even more to add to our list! Did you ever wonder why many lotions and other personal care items have a lavender scent? While almost all commercial skin and hair care products that smell like lavender now use artificial chemicals to mimic the smell given off by a pure lavender essential oil, originally unadulterated lavender oil...

07. April 2017
Why are you able to breathe? Although the process seems simple, there are many different answers to this question, each of which is correct in its own perspective. An M.D. would explain the intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, the physics of negative air pressure, the structure of the lungs' aveoli, and other technical aspects of the anatomy and physiology involved. Someone in the general public might attribute the act of breathing to the soul. (Although Traditional Chinese Medicine...